375 x 255 stitches
retail price: US $ 26
This Design has 375 x 255 stitches. It can be stitched on Aida, linen or evenweave. The pattern was designed for Vikki's silks. It is stitched in Antique Blue and Antique green which are close to Anchor 1036 (Antique Blue) and DMC 501 (Antique Green).
The instructions for the pattern are described on four pages. It can be stitches with or without embellishments and beads.
This sampler is based on traditional European sampler motifs. An example of this is the large peacock motif which can be found in Johann Sibmacher's book "Modelbuch", published in . The alphabet was inspired by an old French alphabet. Many old alphabets do not include all of the letters we use today. In this alphabet the "I" was most likely written as a modern-day "J", and the "V" is missing.
Limited Edition
(only 1,000 copies will be sold world wide)
Here are two close ups